Thursday, June 30, 2011

10,000 Views: Not bad...

Thank,guys! Andy & co has now reaached 10,000 views! Keep on blogging!

Picture of Diana beside Kate sparks coveresty...

Hey,guys. AS you know the royal couple is coming through Canada today and are staying In Ottawa fpr three day. A couple of days ago, The magaizainze called Newsweek made a pictue od Diana standing beside Kate.
Here's the picture:
Okay enough Royal gossip, let's move on something else. If you were in China, you would a city sized mirage
in the Xixan river. Here's a video:
Pretty wired,eh? Okay time for a movie review. Transformers 3. It about this anicet autbot ship that crashes on the moon and everybody wants to find it's serects. I'd give 8/10. Well, that's all for now

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

17 year old goes to outer space...

Hey,guys. Nasa( Or someone) said they are going to send a seventeen year in outer space. He could MABYE go in outer space. They're is a couple of other people who want to on it,too. Anyway, there is a new shark spieces that was discovered in the Philliphines(sorry if I spelled it wrong). Here'a a picture of it:
Here's an article about the discovery:
It's pretty cool.  In other news, there is guy in New York who has a swimming pool in his living room. Here's what it look like:

Oops, I put two pictures of the shark. :(

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Diary of a wimpy kid 6 here we come!

Hey,guys. Jeff annocuced a couple of days that the next diary of a wimpy kid is going to be called Cabin Fever.
Here's the title.

Xperia X10 with Android Gingerbread

Monday, June 20, 2011

I was at the MMVAS!

Hey,guys. AS you know there was the MMVAS last night and i was lucky enough to meet enough to meet... Bruno Mars! I got to grab interview as he was walking down the red carpet. Here'sa a bit of the interview:
Me: So,Bruno... Do you like Tornonto?
Bruno: I always enjoy going to Tornonto.
Me:I wish I could to the after party...
Bruno: Good luck getting in...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's Official- PlayStation Vita is Here!

A couple of words: WOW

Woman gets her lawn stolen!

Hey,guys. Check this story out. A woman got her lawn stolen from right in front of her! It's really funny! Here's a link:

Chris Bosh Crying After losing 2011 Finals to the Dallas Mavericks

Man up, Bosh!

Come on, Canucks!

Hey,guys. As you now, the Canucks are doing terrible in the finals. They had their butts beaten brutally in game 6 last night. Their is no excuse for that. You could a ton better. Don't screw on game 7! I WILL FREAKING KILL YOU...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Icloud? It is worth it?

Hey,guys. AS you know, Apple just veiled the Icloud. I don't know what it does, but here's what Steve jobs said about it: "
brings the functionality of iPhone messaging to all of your iOS devices―iPhone, iPad and iPod touch," according to a PC Mag story. Users will be able to share photos, videos, messages and contact information to other iOS 5 users through Wi-Fi or 3G" There is a link down below about the Icloud. I have one question. Is it worth it?


Hey,guys. I'm sorry if I have not blogged in a while. My blog was hacked. I don't know who hacked my blog, but I manged to shut him down. I bet you have seen the trailer. Yes, this there is going to Halo 4. I am a very big fan of halo and the fourth one seems to be very big to me. I will post the trailer later. So Chief is aboard the dawn and he comes across this "ring" thing. That's all I know... IT said that it's coming christmas 2012. Welcome back, chief.