Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Long Absencse...

hey,guys. If you wondering why I was gone for so long... I had things in real life that caught up with me and I just didn't have the time to blog. I had this nagging feeling telling to post a blog post and so... I did. Thank you for your patinece everybody and I will so you next time.

The Dark Knight Rises Review

Hey,guys. Today I'm doing The Dark Knight Rises review. I  am aware of the shooting in Colarado and my heart is with the vitcims and their familes and those who lost a love one or someone was wounded I they well get better. Anyway a bit cheerer note ( well not really). DKR is a stunning, epic colsounison to Christoper Nolan's Batman trirolgy. The charcter devolpment of Bane was brillant and Nolan did a good job. Anne Hathaway... did pretty good. I don't what to give any plot spoilers,so on a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate this move... 9.5/10.