Friday, March 16, 2012

Five Foods They Should Never Have At Mcdonalds...

Hey,guys! I know it's been a while I've blogged. Today ( Well, I'm typing this at 10:30 in the tonight) i asked his freinds about what five foods that should never have at mcdonalds. Here's what came out on top:
5. Onion Rings:Imagine where they get the onions...
4. Skittle Milkshakes; I know that might sound gross and jusr plain wired, but I have some wired friends( You don't want to know about them).
3. Gluten-Free Pizza: That`s something  they should never have. PIZZA AT MCDONALDS!!!
2. Hot Dogs: This problay would the second most gross thing in the world I know ( I like to eat hotD
dogs, but hot dogs at McDonalds...).
Get ready... Do a drumroll... Here`s the top food item that should have never at Mcdonalds...
1. Mcveggie Burger: This came out at top. I compeltely argee with this. Besdies McDonalds would never make something this healthy(the salads don`t count,bozo).

I`ll see you soon!