Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Annoying Orange/In the Dark

hehere's the new AO video!

Bad meets Evil-Lighters feat. Bruno Mars

Here's some new music from  Enimem and Bruno Mars:

Virginia earthquake's tremors felt far and wide

Hey,guys! Did you feel anything yesterday after the earthquake? I sure did. I was golfing when it happened. I thought the ball was pocessesced or something when it moved unnarutally. And the trees moved moved and shaked. I was thinking I was going insane, seeing a moving golf ball that wasn't hit and trees shaking very fast. But I wasn't going insane. Here's a link to the full story:
See you later!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

David Guttea:Titanium FT.SIA

Hey,guys! Here's some new music from david Guttea and LIL Wanye:
Here's some stuff from Maroon 5:
here's some stuff from Drake,too!
Here's aother new song by David Guttea:
See you later!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Grand Theft Auto...By Texting...

Hey,guys! Thieves these days have found a way to steal texting. Here's a video link:
It's really dumb how stuff like this is invented...

Ferry runs aground after captain stuck in toilet

Hey,guys! Here's a funny story I found! There was a ferry that ran aground after the captain was stuck in the bathroom! Here's the full story!
See you later!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Coal-Black Alien Planet is Darkest Planet Ever Found...

Hey,guys! I know it's a while since I've blogged,but here I am! Yesterday, people from the Kepler misson at NASA announced that had found a planet darker than coal. For you people who don't what the Kepeler misson is that is a satelille(Much like Hubble)to find worlds beyond our Solar System. The name of the planet is TrES-2b and it's the size of Jupiter, and is loacted 750 light years away orbiting the around the yellow sun-like star GSC 03549-02811 in the constellation Draco. There is a link for the full story right down below:

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Annoying Oranage:Previously On!

here's the most supesnful video of video of all time! can you handle the supsense? if you click on it, Get ready for supsense! if you can't handle the supsense, here's other Annoying Oranage video:
What else could he do?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Biggest Blunders Of The Internet (Part 5)

hey,guys! Here we are on Part 5 (Final Part) of the biggest blunders of the internet. The thing that's tops off the list is... fackbook Account srecwups. Yes,it hurts your repatioun. if you are drunk and you're taking pictures and then on Facebook(usnallsy by accident),You're srecwed buddy. Your oss cand find those pictures. Your parents could find those pictures. If your friend puts on pictures of you without your premission,it's there forever. There's no advice I give you to handle it. Hackers are clever, I'm not clever enough. The best you do is delete your Facebook account. Well,this project is wrapped up. Have a good week and Next week there will be diffrent. We will go back to the normal rountie. Some music is coming up...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Biggest Blunders Of The Internet (Part 4)

Hey,guys! I just that marthaton! Here we are on Part 4 of the bigggest blunders of the internet. Goverment Leaks comes in at number 2. When a big govermment serect gets onto the internet, The internet is sent into a tumble. usually it's a loud mouthed politican that leaks out the serect. Or a really clever hacker. A example of this is the Wiki Leaks. They had leaked more than 2,000 Goverment doucments onto the internet, some of the doucments were about Osama Bin Laden's whereabouts. I fogret the guy's name, who controlled Wiki Leaks, but he went to court. if you do across something that is a goverment serect of a link, don't click on it. it could spammed and all your credit card numbers and personal imoration could be stolen from you. Don't click on it. Don't in trouble...