Sunday, December 26, 2010

the disaters of '10

hey,guys. the 2010's had a wild start to with a whole batch full of diasters.
1. the volanco in iceland: it stopped air travel in eurpore and newfoundland for two weeks and it still epruting!
2. the gulf of mexico oil spill: it took them three months to just cap a oil spill
3.haiti earthquake: haiti didn't through any more pain, it had a terrbile ecomecy and it was it hit a hurrinace in 2008, detsorying most of the crops.
4. the heat wave in russia: russia is the biggest country in the world and a 40c heat wave doen't help the icee way up north. it started because of forest fires.
5.chile earthquake and chilean miners: miners were stuck 300 mertes of ground, but the chile eaarthquake was not as bad as haiti.
6. snowaggaon: in ontario: 360 cars in ontario,canada were stuck in the snow for 30 hours, but only person died, though. he was  found frozen 50 metres rom his car. my mom was stuck in it for seven hours. some people say it more boring than sracy, bu freezing cold.
aleast a quater million people died in all of these diasters. that's how much people killed by terroists in the past 40 years.

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